Role of mass media in education

Role of mass media in education

Role of mass media in education


Not only in education, today’s modern world is influenced by media. Thanks to the media, the world has arrived at people’s home yards today. News and images of any part of the world are now open to us through artificial satellites. Education in any subject has become easy and convenient through newspapers, radio, television, internet etc. The role of these media in mass awakening especially in developed countries like India is well-recognised. In education, the media has made the distant one close, the enemy has become an ally, informed the unknown, similarly, the negative aspects of various media are also causing failure in some areas in education. Role of mass media in education

What is mass media?

The medium through which most of the people benefit from getting information about various topics can be called mass media. Various mediums have been used for the purpose of public education since ancient times. Such as kirtan, poetry, mangalgan, rhyming, bratkatha, folktale, katakata, puppet dance etc. They were simultaneously the staple of folk education and folk entertainment. Gradually, with the advancement of science, media like newspapers, radio, movies, television, tape recorders, internet etc. became popular.

Role of mass media in education

Role of mass media in education

Utility of mass media

The role of mass media in education is undeniable. Because mass media has taken an active role in the development of today’s world. As mass media relieves people from boredom, gives happiness to people, directly and indirectly it becomes helpful in the education of people. Newspaper, radio, TV are therefore one of the elements for people today. These elements play an active role in the education and awareness of people.

Role of mass media in education


The importance of newspapers as mass media in the modern age has expanded to all levels today. Not only in cities but also in remote villages, people become eager to read newspapers in a tea shop. From politics to advertising, people receive all types of news from newspapers. Politics, sports, agriculture, industry, commerce, history, science etc. news are available in newspapers. In the light of those various news of the country and abroad, the consciousness of the common people expands. People are greatly benefited by the education they receive through newspapers, especially on questions of life and livelihood. So newspapers are not only educational – they are an essential part of modern life.

Role of mass media in education


The role of radio in public life is also considerable. Radio is still the largest media in India. Educated and uneducated people of all classes who cannot use Television get various news and entertainment material through the radio. Especially from the various channels and day and night programs on the radio, everyone, starting from students to the common householder, benefits. For a farmer, the agricultural talk sessions of Betar are most helpful in improving his livelihood. So when it comes to the development of common rural life, there is no substitute for wireless for raising awareness.


The impact of Television on everyone from farmers to intellectuals, city dwellers to villagers is considerable. Students also benefit from Television. Students can benefit from educational programs like quizzes, general knowledge programs, exam specials, trivia, educational programs for youngsters. There is no doubt that today’s student society is heavily influenced by Television. Television has immense importance as an audio and visual medium.


Films play an immense role in public education and entertainment. People’s knowledge and consciousness expands from stories, documentaries etc. Film is one of the media of modern life in leisure, character formation, moral education and cultural awareness.

Evil of mass media

As the mass media is important in education, its overuse and lack of proper use is also affecting the people. Today’s excessive media pressure is increasingly leading people astray—in some cases. Bad effects of Television are affecting especially in student life and other areas. Additional television dependence is seen in urban and rural women. The effect of watching various serials is making personal life miserable. Some students are imitating the killing scenes on TV and enacting it in real life. As the violence-hatred of politics is propagated in the newspapers, common people are indulging in violence. Ugly advertisements in various mediums are causing harm in education. Several serials) are attracting people and affecting their mental structure.

Role of mass media in education

Role of mass media in education


All things have good and bad, but we should not be left behind thinking about the bad, the media must take a leading role in spreading education and consciousness. But at the same time, it must be acknowledged that in this era of free economy, the far-reaching influence of the mass media must be spread in the public mind by keeping some safeguards in the open air environment. If the media can bring out the positive aspects of education, its far-reaching impact is inevitable.

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