OLD age in modern life

OLD age in modern life

OLD age in modern life

There are four types of essays in the upper secondary education exam syllabus. One of them is argumentative writing. In this case, a socially relevant entity is selected. Some arguments are given in favor of this. The main task is to create an opposing view of the statement by refuting that argument.

In favor of

Most families in modern civilization are small families. Most families have one child. Many of them again move abroad for education and livelihood. Loneliness is a constant in the lives of parents whose children are forced to live abroad for a long time or for life or who voluntarily decide to live abroad. Which also worries children abroad.

Retirement requires a companion of the same age. Many people of similar age live together in nursing homes. Each other’s company helps them stay physically and mentally healthy. Therefore, it is better to choose to live in a nursing home for the elderly without suffering the pain of loneliness by being deprived of the proximity of their children. OLD age in modern life


The English poet W. B. Yeats wrote in his poem ‘Sailing to Byzantium’ – This is no country for old men – and this is what hurts us in many ways. Human life is like the cycle of seasons. Consequently, at the end of adolescence, one will one day reach old age – this is an eternal truth. Logically, it turns out that a nursing home decision can never be the best or universally true.

OLD age in modern life

(1) It is natural that people will migrate abroad for the busy life of modern civilization. Active people will actually go to work, but at the same time, they should not forget that he has an obligatory responsibility to their parents. In most cases, it can be seen that employees often forget their sense of duty under the pressure of work. As a result, they fail to fulfill the child’s responsibility toward the parents. A man who once gave up his life’s joys in exchange for work and raised his children with infinite care and compassion, but the man remains dishonored in a retirement home.

OLD age in modern life

OLD age in modern life

(2) In many cases, in modern society, the elderly are considered an additional burden on the family. No one has the responsibility to see their good and bad. As a result, when they suffer, there is no one to help them, and in most cases, they are forced to leave their homes due to illness, grief, and heat. Find a shelter for your head. Just look forward to finding cover to survive. Another name for this shelter is old age. These people do not come to retirement homes just for their hobby, but for their desire to survive.

(3) They have many memories during their lifetime. They cannot forget the past. And so he suffers the pain of remembering the past. Their minds become heavy. But they are helpless. Homes for the elderly would never be necessary if children were aware of their sense of responsibility and duty towards them. But in most cases, their children are indifferent towards their old parents under the pretext of education or livelihood. It is a mistake to think that sending parents to nursing homes will solve all problems.

(4) Although seniors in nursing homes enjoy the company of many peers, this age group wants to spend the rest of their lives seeing their children. Mental and physical health is related to blood, depending on human society.

(5) Time is very fast, stopping is not his religion. And time never leaves people. As a result, the irresponsibility of choosing a retirement home as the “land of all” never leads to happiness. Why – due to many pains, people are forced to go to retirement homes and seek shelter. It is therefore safe to say that there is no shortage of homes for the elderly.

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