The role of students in environmental protection

The role of students in environmental protection

The role of students in environmental protection

This essay is about whether students have a sense of responsibility or obligation to protect the environment, and if so, how they will engage in environmental protection. “The role of the student society in environmental protection. The role of students in environmental protection


India is a green country. India has been repeatedly looted by foreigners because India has huge potential for commercial markets and raw materials. Nowadays, due to the evils of globalization, the amount of looting has increased. The environment and culture of India, which has proven itself in the arena of the world and built its fame, is today corrupted. Our country’s neem tree, turmeric, and basmati rice, though incredible, no longer have, even the soil of our country is controlled by others today.

The role of students in environmental protection
Air pollution is the order of the day in India. Rich countries control the cultivation of Indian soil and the deadly gases produced by these rich countries are reaching poor countries like us. “The poison boil on God is our public outburst. Due to the increasing pressure of this explosion, the green nature of India is being neglected in many ways. Plundering on the one hand and neglecting to meet the growing demand on the other – the combination of these two is the turbulent state of the Indian environment and culture. In this context, the awareness of the country’s student society about environmental development cannot be denied.

The role of students in environmental protection

Article 51 (a) of the Constitution of India mandates that Indian citizens protect India’s environment. Students are determined to fulfill this responsibility as citizens of India. In fact, as demand increases due to population growth, the consciousness of the citizen is driven toward self-interest. As a result, various problems arise. Looking at personal interests, national interests and responsibility for the environment are destroyed, and various pollutions appear. In that case, the role of students in the protection and development of the environment as conscious citizens is undeniable.

The role of students in environmental

The role of students in environmental

The role of students in environmental awareness

Awareness can take on any role. What needs to be done
a) Be aware of your surroundings.
b) Be aware of public health. Spread the word about him.
c) mutually discuss all types of pollution and their causes, viz
Maybe you stop the programs.
(d) They maintain the Padma channel in their own house.
(e) Refrain from any act that violates personal hygiene. Pay attention to food, insurance, and cleanliness. Creating awareness about a balanced diet.
(f) Seek to eliminate unscientific standards.
(g) Disposal of household waste in designated areas.
(h) Hospitals, nursing homes, schools, colleges, etc. are always clean and do not smoke, drink, do drugs, etc.
(j) Do not leave food packets in schools, dormitories, roads, parks, trams, trains, etc.
k) Ecologically friendly house – planting trees and not cutting down old trees.
(l) To know the role of plants in disease prevention, to know that these plants are our friends, to inform everyone.
(d) For this reason, the government should see to it that awareness measures are taken so that information related to the environment can be disseminated in the media. Not only if the students are aware but the government and people of good sense should take strong steps and social programs to spread this awareness.

The role of students in environmental protection


Rabindranath sadly said –

Those who poisoned your air, turned off the light, have you forgiven them, have you done well?

The role of students in environmental protection

Today’s student society must also take a leadership role for a future healthy environment by keeping in mind the words of Kabiguru in the field of environmental development. Government and private initiatives should increase the environmental awareness of students and strive to improve the environment.

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