The cultural heritage of India

The cultural heritage of India

The cultural heritage of India

Introduction India is dear to us as our motherland is dear to us as our motherland is dear to us
India is one of the oldest countries in the world. People of numerous national religions live in this country. The population of this country occupies second place in the world. For almost 200 years, this country was under the British, with the efforts of the brave warriors of India, India gained independence on August 15, 1947. Exploited India for 74 years and is now on the way to progress. India is a land of many things, different clothes, different languages, and a variety of languages that cannot be found anywhere else, rich in thousands of cultures. Culture is particularly important in human social life. Similarly, the importance and significance of culture in people’s political life are immense in terms of the social system, and the importance and significance of political culture in terms of people’s general culture and political system are beyond debate. The cultural heritage of India

The cultural heritage of India

Tradition and modernity

India is a diverse country. Diversity is seen in India in various fields. In terms of nature, there are the Himalayas in the north and the Vindhya Mountains in the south, as well as the plains of the Ganges, Yamuna, Indus, and Brahmaputra. On one side is the Gahan Forest and on the other is the Thar Desert and vast bodies of water like the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. There is diversity in the population. Aryan, Dravidian, Shaka, and Hun, tribal blood flows in Indian veins. Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Juragushtra, etc. are seen in various religions in India. There are hundreds of languages like Sanskrit, Dravidian, Bengali, Hindi, Persian, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, etc. In a word, diversity can be seen in every field of India.

The cultural heritage of India


In spite of so much diversity, the union of unity has made India rich in tradition. Dr. Smith rightly said, “India offers unity in diversity.” Unity has developed in various ways.

Geographical variation

From Kashmir to Kanyakumarika, this vast continent has extraordinary temperature, climate, rainfall, biological and plant diversity, human diversity, linguistic diversity, religious diversity, etc. The Vishnu Purana states that the land to the north of the ocean and south of the Himalayas is called ‘Bharat’ and the people who live there are known as Bharat Santati. This nomenclature symbolizes geographical unity.

The cultural heritage of India

Religious culture

The Hindu civilization and culture of India formed a unity among the larger masses. The two ancient epics of India, Ramayana, and Mahabharata, dedicated the people of India to piety. Pilgrimage temples to gods and goddesses in various parts of India have helped build religious unity. The religious diversity that is seen in the Indian public is not seen in any other country in the world.

The influence of people’s religion on the society and culture of this country is very deep. Religion plays a central and leading role in the life of most people in the country. Dundee is steeped in culture. Different states are inhabited by Danbadi people who openly practice other religions. Dandis cannot accept people other than their own religion. There are some problems with that but India is a mixed state.

The cultural heritage of India

Linguistic theory

Different languages can be observed in India. But analysis of linguistics shows that North Indian languages originated from Dravidian languages like Sanskrit and South Indian languages. India has 22 constitutionally recognized official languages. Hindi and English are commonly used as the official languages of the central government.

The cultural heritage of India

Ethnic diversity

Arya-Arya Mughal-Pathan, Shaka-Kshatrapa different races entered India and could not maintain their separate ethnic character for long. All of them have merged under the ocean of Mahamanava. Only one identity has gained stability and that is the concept of nationality called Indian.

Ideals of All-India Unity and Nationalism: During British rule, a single and centralized system of governance was established throughout India. By improving railways and various modern communication systems, the British rulers established all-India unity. After India’s independence, Indian unity was reflected in India’s ‘National Flag’, ‘National Anthem’, and federal system of government. At present, due to foreign invasions, terrorist activities, etc., an atmosphere of temporary unrest has sometimes been created, but India’s traditional unity has not been disturbed. In this context, the world poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote “The only effort I see in India is to establish unity in the midst of differences”.

The cultural heritage of India

The cultural heritage of India

political explanation

From ancient times, rulers like Mahapadmananda, Chandragupta Maurya, Samudragupta, Harshvardhana, Alauddin Khalji, Akbar, etc. conquered small kingdoms and built an empire as a symbol of political unity. Ancient Indian literature also mentions ‘Ashwamedha Yajna’, ‘Rajasuya Yajna’, etc. as proof of the establishment of rulers and empires like Ekrat, Rajadhiraj, Samrat, etc. From this, it can be understood that the idea of great political unity was ingrained in the minds of the people from ancient times.

This idea was further strengthened by the introduction of centralized governance and currency during the Mughal period and later by the grant of English rule. Although Dr. Atul Sur feels that this bond of unity has been weakened by the impact of separatism and communalism. But Dr. Vincent Smith thinks so. That India’s fundamental unity is deep and geographically diverse

The cultural heritage of India


Different languages and different clothes.
The harmony between diversity is great.

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