Optimal Morning Foods for a Healthy Body, Explained by hkbhardwajusnews

What food in the morning will benefit our body?

What food in the morning will benefit our body?

Many of us do not know what foods we should eat when we wake up in the morning. As a result, by eating heavy food in the morning, we make our stomach growl. According to nutritionists, it is important to choose the right food to start the morning. Eat a light meal after waking up in the morning and eat a heavy meal two hours later. So let’s find out today which foods are more beneficial to eat on an empty stomach in the morning. What food in the morning will benefit our body?

Honey on an empty stomach in the morning:

Antioxidants in honey increase the body’s immune system. Honey contains a large number of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes, which protect the body from various diseases. Regular consumption of honey also reduces the problem of colds and coughs. After waking up in the morning, mixing two spoons of honey in lukewarm water will get many benefits. As the weight will decrease, the toxic elements will also be removed from the body.


Raisins eliminate iron deficiency in the body and increase the number of red blood cells in the blood. Raisins are rich in vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and fiber. Which relieves us from various diseases. Instead of eating dry raisins, the best way is to soak them overnight in water and eat them the next morning. Soaked raisins are more beneficial.


Dates are rich in vitamins, minerals, calcium, and potassium. Antioxidants in dates increase the body’s immune system. You can eat dates on an empty stomach after waking up or soak dates in water overnight. Next day morning you can drink dates soaked water. Dates are rich in fiber, which relieves constipation. Dates help to improve digestion. No problem like diarrhea or upset stomach.


For those suffering from diabetes or digestive problems, fenugreek is very beneficial. You can drink fenugreek-soaked water on an empty stomach in the morning. Because fenugreek contains soluble fiber, which will greatly help in reducing your cholesterol. Eating fenugreek seeds on an empty stomach in the morning helps control cholesterol. Also, fenugreek is very beneficial for skin and hair.


Amla is one of the fruits that contain the most vitamin C. Which is very beneficial for health. Antioxidants in Amla detoxify the body and reduce fat. Amla increases skin radiance. Eating Amla juice on an empty stomach every morning will keep your hair and skin healthy. Besides, the heart and liver will also be healthy.

What food in the morning will benefit our body?


Many people eat nuts. However, eating peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning will cure many diseases. The antioxidant activity of peanuts is also enhanced by soaking them. A substance called lipase is released from the wood when it is soaked. Which helps to increase metabolism or digestion. As a result, fat does not increase in the body. Apart from this, eating peanuts soaked overnight in the morning will cure serious diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

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